Tell the stories of your life
Send thoughtful eCards at a moment’s notice, invite guests to any event and share your favorite memories with a slideshow – all in one place.
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with Smilebox
Wish good luck
with Smilebox
Happy anniversary
from Smilebox
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Please be sure to check all folders including spam for the link.
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creative juices flowing!
creative juices flowing!
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Design Categories
Slideshows | Cards | Invites
Cards | Collages
Thank You
Save the Date
Cards | Slideshows | Collages
Slideshows | Cards | Invites
Invites | Slideshows
Design Categories
Any Design You Need
Fast And Easy
Quickly create beautiful invitations, slideshows, cards and collages, then share them with the people you love.
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How it works
Easy to use
& ready in minutes!
& ready in minutes!
With Smilebox it's easy to create and share beautiful cards, invitations, slideshows, collages and more.
Step 01
Choose your favorite design for any occasion.
Step 02
Customize any template with your photos, music, text and personal taste.
Step 03
Share your creation with the people you love.
Get Started
Creative Toolbox
Endless ways to make
your design your own.
your design your own.

Upload or choose from playlist

Unlimited Storage
Enough room for all your creations

Add your favorite photos

Customize your message

Track guest attendance

Video to Stills
Turn your videos into still photos

Fully Downloadable
Download your designs

Virtual Events
Invitations turn into virtual events

Share Online
Share with email or Social media
Get Started
20 million happy users
can't be wrong
can't be wrong

“I’ve been using Smilebox for 8 years and it’s very trustworthy. They have wonderful designs!”
David W. Lewis

“I Highly recommend Smilebox to anyone who would like to share their special moments …”
Stephanie Gamez

"Easy to use and a great way to post pictures
in a video format."
in a video format."
Porschea Johnson
frequently asked questions
Got questions?
We've got answers!
We've got answers!
How many photos can I upload to a Smilebox slideshow?
In most cases, you can add an unlimited amount of photos.
Can I download my creations?
Yes, you can download high-resolution photo or video versions of your creations.
Can I add music to my Smilebox creation?
Yes, you can either upload your own music or choose from our vast library of tunes.
Can I customize any design?
Yes, you can customize any Smilebox design with photos, music, text and more.
Does Smilebox work on mobile?
Yes, you can access Smilebox from your mobile and share your designs on the go.
Do you need to download Smilebox?
No, Smilebox is an online website that doesn’t require downloading and can easily be accessed from your desktop or mobile.