Moms & Kids

DIY Family Costume Ideas

We first started incorporating our son into our Halloween costumes when I was pregnant, and we’ve continued to do so ever since. Getting everyone involved makes wonderful memories that will stick around long after...

How to Keep Kids Healthy This School Year

In my house, back to school is an exciting time for everyone. The kids can’t wait to see their friends and I love the fact that we can get back to a regular routine....

How to Find Yourself Again After Having a Baby

No one tells you that you will lose yourself after having a baby. No one. What they will tell you is how wonderful it is, how in love they are with their children, how your...

Tips for Taking Peaceful Flights with Your Toddler

When I gave birth to my son, everyone wished us, “Congratulations!” and then followed up with, “That’s the end of traveling for you!” My husband and I disagreed. As two world travelers, we were...

Tips for Taking a Road Trip This Summer with Kids

As someone who grew up in a warm climate, the Canadian winters are harsh, to say the least. Most people know how cold Canadian winters are, and so when summer comes around people (and...

Exercise Tips for New Moms with No Time to Exercise

  Before I gave birth to my son, I ran almost every day. I ran in the bitter cold. I ran under the scorching sun. I rose at the crack of dawn to run before...

How to Celebrate Your Mom this Mother’s Day

Since becoming a mother, I suddenly understand my own mother so much better. How it took ingenuity and out-of-the-box thinking to become a successful work-at-home parent. How confusing it must have been for her...

The Secrets to Spring Cleaning

Spring is literally the awakening of the people because we have been buried in snow and cold for nearly 6 months.  It’s always funny to me how the minute the temperature goes above zero...

What Your Mom Really Wants This Mother’s Day

The relationship between mother and child is like no other. Unfortunately as children we usually take our mothers for granted. She could be the most amazing mom in the world yet we have this...

What Kids Really Want from Their Mom

I have been a mom for 5.5 years. And boy has it been a journey! Only now that my boys (aka: nuclear energy bombs) are 5 and 3, I can sit, reflect, think, go...